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Funny Nursery Rhymes for your baby

Learn the nursery rhymes and sing them to your lttle one, touching your baby, moving his/her arms and legs, or just massaging gently the appropriate body parts.
Such an easy playing is extremely important for the baby sensory and mental development!
Hokey PokeyYou put your right hand in, 
You take your right hand out. 
You put your right hand in, 
And you shake it all about. 
You do the Hokey Pokey, 
And you turn yourself around. 
That's what it's all about.
... left foot
... nose
... tail
... whole self

Open, Shut ThemOpen, shut them, open, shut them

Give a little clap
Open, shut them, open, shut them 
Lay them in your lap.

Creepy crawly, creepy crawly
Right up to your chin
Open up your little mouth
But do not let them in.

Roll them, roll them, roll them, roll them
Just like this
Wave them, wave them, wave them, wave them
Then blow a little kiss.

This Old ManThis old man, he played one

He played knick-knack on my thumb;
With a knick-knack paddywhack,
Give a dog a bone    
This old man came rolling home.  
... Two ... shoe
... Three ... knee
... Four ... door 
... Five ... hive

Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Write what rhymes your baby likes most at all and add some words about his/her reaction to them.

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