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Household sponges

Don't kniw how to entertain your little one? - Just arrange the funny developing game with sponges!
The activity develops fine motor skills and sensory sensitivity of the little fingers.

You'll need:

  • sponges of different colors and materials: simple cellulose, abrasive, natural;
  • scissors.

Cut sponges into several large pieces.
Lay your baby on tummy, put a rolled towel under his/her chest - thus the baby will manage to play longer, as he/she will not get tired soon. Besides, thus the little one will use hands to manipulate with sponges.

Give your baby the sponges, let him/her explore them - rumple, try to tear, view, throw, roll, etc.

The activity must be arranged only under adult's supervision! Don't allow your baby to put sponges to the mouth and try to swallow!

Growing up, your little one will build towers and roads of sponges.

Make photos of your baby playing with sponges, upload to the App. Write briefly about the process and his/her impressions.

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