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Invite friends and play Beanbag game with your kid!

3 to 7 years

Beanbags are quick and easy to make (and relatively cheap to buy), and you can play endless games with them, both indoors and out!

This game takes a little effort to set up, but the kids will have a lot of fun with it. It is obviously better on a dark evening!

Preparation: Divide the children into teams and line them up in rows. Give the child at the front of each row a beanbag.

How to play: The children must now pass the beanbag from one to the next and back again, in a particular style, which you can decide as appropriate for the age of the children.

For example:

  • pass it down the row with the right hand only
  • pass it up the row with left hand only
  • pass it down the row with both hands
  • pass it up the row with right hand over left shoulder
  • pass it down the row with left hand over right shoulder
  • pass it up the row under the right leg
  • pass it down the row under the left leg, and so on

It might be a good idea to have a practise game first! If a beanbag is dropped, you can either make the children start again from the beginning or from the front of the row.

When all the beanbags have been passed correctly, a winner is declared.

Make photos and upload the collage of the best ones to the App. Add some words about the process, your kid's and guests impressions!

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