At the age of 6 months your baby will surely like playing with various houseware. It is beneficial for the little one, as itĀ helps to get new tactile experience, to develop fine motor skills and movements coordination. Give your baby the following things:
pans with lids;
jars, cups, baskets;
cocktail straws;
polyethylene lids and corks;
cardboard boxes;
plastic containers;
spoons, a soup ladle, etc.
Choose two or three things and let your baby explore them. Name the objects - it will help to improve your little one's passive vocabulary. When your baby loses interest to the things, give him/her the others. Thus you'll entertain your baby for a long!
NB! All the things must be safe for the baby, so that he could not cripple himself with them, cut or choke!
Upload to the App your baby's photo, write what houseware things you give him/her to play with.
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