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Playing with a hand puppet

Your baby is growing up quickly - it means he/she is fond of communicating and learns lots of social rituals and behavior rules.

Offer him/her to deal with a cute handy friend - a hand puppet!

Choose a funny puppet with a kind face - it can be a fairytale hero, a dwarf, a doll, an animal, etc.

You can buy the puppet in shop or just sew/knit it yourself.

The puppet can help your to feed your baby, accompany him/her when the baby is bathing, walking, sleeping, etc. The puppet can "talk" to your little one, comment his/her actions, sing funny songs, dance, jump, wave, knock, be tired, be happy - all depends only on your fantasy!

Make photos of your baby dealing with the hand puppet, upload to the App. Write briefly about their communication and your baby's impressions.

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