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Sensory pillows

Sew for your little one sensory pillows. Playing with the pillows is beneficial for tactile sensation, fine motor skills and movements coordination.

You'll need:

  • pieces of various fabrics (cotton, flannel, silk, fur, velvet, felt, corduroy, leather, lace, etc.);
  • filler for pillows - syntepon;
  • a needle;scissors; threads.

Sew small square pillows (10-15 cm) of different colors and with various patterns.

The pillows should be two-sided - for example, with velvet on one side and cordiroy on the other.

You can also make several linen pillows and just sew various pillowcases for them to change them when needed.

Offer your baby to play wth the crafts - lay one of them on the baby's tummy, let him/her catch one more pillow. Let the little one explore the new developing toys.

Make photos of your baby with the pillows, upload to the App. Write whether the little one liked the crafts, add some words about his/her reaction.

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