Offer your kid to sprout beans - it will be interesting and beneficial for him/her to monitor the whole process!You'll need:
Put the beans to the bowl and soak.Cover the bowl with a double layer of cheesecloth and secure with a rubber band. Let stand.
After 24 hours, drain and rinse the beans through the cloth, then drain again.Store the bowl in a dark place on its side, propping up the base so excess water drains onto paper towels. Rinse and drain the beans twice a day.After 36 hours, the beans will grow tails!
Now you can plant your beans.
Don\t forget to water your little garden twice a day, and soon you'll see amazing green plants!
You can make a cute playing area with your kid with the bean plants.
Make photos of your kid looking after the little garden, upload to the App. Write briefly about the process and his/her impressions.
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