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Arrange a professional photosession of your little one!

under 1 year

Even though your baby is too little to actually strike a pose for the first set of newborn baby photos, professional pictures are sure to be a special keepsake. After all, one of the best parts of being a parent is showing everyone you meet your adorable little angel.
When to take your baby in for his first professional photo session is primarily a matter of personal preference. Many parents choose to get their first professional pictures of their baby around the three week mark, since this is when babies start to become more active. However, you may want to make an exception to this rule if your baby was born near Christmas, etc. The chance to showcase your newborn's smiling face on your holiday cards is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
For heirloom quality family photos, many parents opt for a photosession with an independent portrait photographer who has demonstrated experience in capturing images of newborns. The best way to locate talented photographers in your area is to ask other parents who they would recommend and review the online portfolios of the top picks.
Between baby shower gifts and the cute clothes you just couldn't pass up at the store, your newborn probably has a very large wardrobe. When choosing an outfit for his first photo shoot, remember that simple is best. Bold patterns and designs can be distracting. Outfits that feature words or sayings may be impossible to read if you can't get your baby propped into a particular position. A onesie in a solid color will photograph well and help keep your baby comfortable during the photo session.
If you're going to get family photos taken in addition to your baby's portraits, make sure everyone is dressed in clothing with similar tones. Your outfits don't need to match precisely, but they should coordinate well enough that no one looks out of place in the picture.
Nudity in baby photos has become much more popular in recent years, but these types of pictures are still somewhat controversial. Some parents draw the line at a photo of their newborn in only a diaper, while others have no problem with a photo featuring a totally nude newborn cradled against his father's bare chest. Do not let the photographer pressure you into taking photos that make you uncomfortable. If you would prefer your baby remain fully clothed, be honest about your feelings.
the parent of a newborn, you're probably still struggling to get into a routine with your baby. Try to keep expectations for your child's first photo shoot manageable. It's not the end of the world if your baby ends up fussy or sleepy on picture day. A photographer who has experience working with children will know how to manage the situation. In fact, you may end up with a portrait of a Sleeping Angel that's more precious than the perfectly posed shot you had imagined!
Choose the best photo and upload it to the App. Add some words about the photosession - where it took place, who was your Photographer, your thoughts and feelings.

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