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Photos with favorite toys

You don't need to be a professional photographer to take perfect pictures of your baby!

It doesn’t take much for your baby to look adorable — all she has to do is flash that toothless grin. Your challenge is to capture her cuteness for posterity, even if you’ve got pretty limited camera skills. 

To the rescue: these tried and true techniques that’ll have you shooting like a pro without shelling out a professional’s fee. And you don’t need a pricey camera to get priceless results, either — just grab whatever camera you’ve got (even your smartphone)!

Eliminate background clutter by placing your pumpkin in front of a plain DIY backdrop. Drape a white sheet over a few chairs, tape a piece of plain wrapping paper to the wall, or just set your sweetie on top of a white down comforter on the floor. If you do end up taking pictures of baby with something less-than-stellar in view, try cropping those surroundings out of the frame by getting closer to your subject while you shoot.

Make photos of your cute baby with his/her favorite toys, upload to the App. Write how the little one plays with the toys.

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