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Physical exercises for young athletes

1 to 3 years

A toddler who has recently started walking, needs exercise that would help him/her to improve the skill. Show your little one different types of walking, ask to repeat your movements.

Make the exercises in a playful way, with music and fun little poems. Walk with the baby as an elephant, stomping your feet loudly. Then run like a horse galloping, jump as a rabbit and as a frog. Walk clumsily as penguins go. Walk sideways, like a crab. Fly like butterflies. Stand on one leg like a heron. Invite your kid's favorite toy to the game  - let his favorite teddy bear stands on one leg like a heron too!
Teach your child to walk on toes, on heels, on the outside and inside of the foot. Support and praise your little one!

Make photo of your toddler making the execises and upload to the App. Write briefly about your kid's and your impressions!

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