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Arrange with your baby a hairdressing salon

The game is a great fun both for toddlers and adults!
You'll need:

  • a mirror;
  • hairbrushes;
  • dolls.

Take the hairbrush and brush your hair. Then brush your little one with a smile and funny song.
Give the brush to your baby. The baby will probably start brushing his/her hair. Courage your little one!
Teach your little one how to use a mirror. Comment your actions, tell how smart and nice your baby is.
Let your baby brush your hair and also comment how beautiful you are viewing your reflection in the mirror.
Then give your little one dolls and ask to brush them. You can also make hairdresses with scrunchies and hairpins.
Use your fantasy and imagination, and the easy game will entertain you and your baby for a long!

Make cute photos and upload them to the App. Add some words about the process and your impressions.

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