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Funny dancing

Your baby surely likes listening to the music and dancing - let him/her dance for a while!
Babies develop rhythm from a very early age and bouncing to rhythm along with your baby helps develop this even more.
Babies start to repeat your movements not at once - they have to view your dancing before starting to imitate your movements
Teach you little one to imitate the following movements:

  • clap;
  • click;
  • tap;
  • shake egg shakers, etc.

Jingle Bell Baby
Music: any version of Jingle Bells.
You'll need: ankle and wrist bells.
Attach the bells to your baby wrist and ankles, pop on some music and see what happens.
If your baby or toddler is slightly older you can help them by prompting them…”can you clap? Can you stamp?” For very young babies you may want to give their little arms a gentle shake to show them what can happen when they do it themselves …but in all honesty the beauty of the game is in watching and waiting and allowing your little ones to come to the realisation that they are their own little music makers!

Make photos of your dancing baby, upload to the App. Write about the experience and your baby's impressions.

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