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Playing with cans

Give your little one several cans to lay with - he/she will surely like it!
Choose safety and bright cans - for example, the cans of coffee and tea. They can make funny noises when your baby knock them and smell good.
Make for your little one a collection of cool cans - round, oval, square, triangular, big and small.
Take one of the cans and show your little one that you hide there something interesting - small toys, ribbons, pieces of fabrics, etc. Then give the baby to explore it!
Perhaps your baby will try to open it - wait for a while and help if needed.
Cheer your little one, comment his/her actions, name the things and smile.

NB! Playing with small things must be arranged only under strict adult supervision! Don't allow your baby put small things to the mouth!

Make photos of your baby playing with the cans, upload to the App. Add some words about the experience and your baby's impressions.

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