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Playing with massage balls

Offer your toddler to play with massage balls - he/she will surely like it!

The activity is beneficial for the little one, as it stimulates the toddler's sensory sensitivity, develops fine motor skills and strengthens hands.

You'll need only a small massage ball.

First, make your toddler a massage with the ball - just roll it on the kid's back, legs and arms.

Let the little one roll it on his/her palms.

Then offer your toddler to make the following manipulations with the ball:

  • clench the ball with both hands, then only with right/left one.
  • hold the ball with forefinger and thumb, then with middle finger and thumb, with thumb and ring finger, with little finger and thumb;
  • shift the ball from one hand to another, holding it with forefinger and thumb;
  • hold the ball with both forefingers, then - with both middle fingers, etc.;
  • roll the ball on the table surface with right palm, then - with the left one.;
  • roll the ball on the surface with finger tips;
  • roll the ball with fingers;
  • hold the ball between forefinger and middle finger, between middle finger and ring finger, ring finger and little finger;
  • roll the ball on the left palm with the right one, then - with the left palm on the right palm, etc.

Make photos of your toddler playing with the massage ball, upload to the App. Write briefly about the process and his/her impressions.

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