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Play with your kid finger plays

Finger plays and action verses are beneficial for your kid and are just a real fun!

See the leaves all falling down,
To make a carpet on the ground,
Swish, swish, wind blows by,
Swish, swish, away they fly.
Windshield wiper, windshield wiper,
What do you do today?
Slip-slap, slip-slap,
I wipe the rain away.

Choo, choo, choo, choo
(rub palms together in circular motion to make a noise, slowly at first, gradually increasing speed)
Too-too, too-too, too-too ...........
(keep hands rubbing fast and call too - too for whistle )
Choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo
(rubbing hands gradually more and more slowly)
Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong .....
(stop altogether and call ding - dong)

Five little birds without any home,
(raise 5 fingers of right hand)
Five little trees in a row.
(raise right hand high over head)
Come and build your nests in our branches tall
(cup left hand for nest-right fingers in)
We'll rock you to and fro.
(then rock both hands)

Five little kittens
(hand made into a fist)
All black and white
Sleeping very soundly
All through the night.

Meow, meow, meow, meow
(each finger raised in turn to "Meow")
It's time to get up now.

Make photos of your kid playing the finger plays, uload to the App. Write what action verse is his/her favourite.

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