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Puzzles for a baby

Puzzles do more than entice with their bright colours and interesting shapes. Finding the right place for each piece exercises your toddler's hand-eye coordination, improves his motor skills and develops his shape recognition.
Choosing apuzzles for your toddler, pay attention to the simpliest - with 2 or 3 details. Then can be woden, cardboard or even plastic.
You can also make puzzles yourself. Just glue a bright colorful picture on a piece of cardboard, then cut it into 2 parts.
With puzzles your toddler will manage to learn various vegetables, animals, fishes, birds, etc.
When the little one manage to collect the puzzles pictures, offer him/her puzzles consisted of 4 pieces.

Make photos of your toddler collecting puzzle pictures, upload to the App. Write whether your little one liked it.

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