Read your baby the nursery rhyme "All Night, All Day (Angels Watching Over Me)"
Your little one will probably like the cute baby poem! Reading new rhymes for your little one, you help him/her to improve the vocabulary and to develop memory skills. *** All night, all day, Angels watching over me my lord, All night, all day, Angels watching over me.
Sun is setting in the west; Angels watching over me my lord,
Sleep my child, take your rest; Angels watching over me.
All night, all day, Angels watching over me my lord,
All night, all day, Angels watching over me.
Now I lay me down to sleep; Angels watching over me my lord,
I pray the lord my soul to keep; Angels watching over me.
All night, all day, Angels watching over me my lord,
All night, all day, Angels watching over me.
All night, all day, Angels watching over me my lord,
All night, all day, Angels watching over me.
*** Make photos of your baby listening to the rhyme and upload to the App. Write whether your little one liked it.
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