Take with your kid pictures of the city streets and architecture
Going for a walk with your kid, take a camera!
Show your kid how to take pictures and offer him/her to take pictures of city parks, squares, your yard, street, the city river, etc.
Thus your little one will learn to notice the beauty of the native city, will manage to learn much about it.
You can even make your own collection of original houses, streets and cozy places!
Your kid will learn to distinguish different architectural styles, the names of various architectural elements of the buildings - balconies, cornices, arches, parapets, pillars, vanes, etc.
Make photos of the separate elements of the buildings - pretty decorated windows, doors, stairs, etc.
You can also take pictures of the city roofs, riding on the Ferris wheel!
Make a collage of the best photos, upload to the App. Write briefly about your adventures and impressions!
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