Your little one likes to view pictures with sea landscapes and Marine creatures? - Offer him/her to make the cool playing area!
You'll need:
blue cardboard;
a small sheet of chipboard - as the basis for the craft;
color double-sided cardboard;
stones, shells;
toy fishes, turtles, starfishes, crabs, etc.
Cover the sheet of chipboard with plasticine (yellow, gray, brown, orange, green) - it will be the bottom of the sea.
Place stones and shells on the seabed - show your kid how to take a stone with two fingers and press it into the plasticine. You can also use beans or peas instead of stones.
Cut out of colored cardboard seaweed, fix them with plasticine on the seabed.
Place blue cardboard as the background of the playing area.
Inhabit the sea with molluscs and fishes.
Your playing area is ready!
Offer your kid to invent exciting stories about the marine creatures and large ships.
Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Write whether your kid liked the idea and add some words about the games you arrange at the playing area.
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