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Plant strawberries

3 to 7 years

Offer your kid to plant strawberries - he/she will surely like the cool idea!

You'll need:

  • Strawberry seedlings
  • Compost
  • Straw mulch


  1.  Help your child plant strawberry seedlings about one foot apart in a sunny area with well-drained soil. Plant multiple rows about two feet apart.
  2.  Water the plants regularly.
  3.  For the first three months after you plant them, remove the blossoms from each plant.
  4.  During the first two growing seasons, remove all the runners from the plants. These techniques help the plants grow sturdy.
  5.  Explain your little one, that you won't get any berries in the first growing season, but you will get berries in the second growing season.
  6.   When cold weather arrives and the ground freezes, cover your plants with straw. Remove the straw the following spring.
  7.  Starting in the third growing season, let the runners grow. These will form new rows of strawberry plants. Remove the older plants in the fall.

Make photos of your kid with his/her strawberry plants, upload to the App. Write how your kid looks after the little garden.

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