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How to react when a toddler falls

Learning to walk, toddlers fall a lot - it is absolutely normal!

One of the hardest things for parents is not jumping up and running to the little one. There's a difference between a small scape and a bleeding laceration. Just take a second and access the situation:

  • Was he/she crying or going to cry?
  • Was he/she really hurt?
  • Is there blood?
  • What would happen if you just stayed put and called, "You're OK sweetie. Get on up and brush yourself off."
  • What would happen if you didn't acknowledge the stumble at all?

If the toddler isn't severely hurt, he/she'll probably look to see if you are watching. 

If you don't react, the kid will probably just stand up and brush herself off, going about her activity!

Make photos of your kid running, upload to the App. Write how you and your kid react when he/she trips and suddenly falls.

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