Baby nursery rhymes and songs for babies have been handed down and used generation by generation.
The nursery rhyme "Round and Round the Garden" is usually accompanied by fingerplay, which not only helps to tease your baby, but also promotes interaction between you and your baby.
Round and round the garden (draw circle on the baby's tummy) Like a teddy bear. On step, two step... (walk your fingers up his/her chest) Tickle you under there! (tickle under the chin)
Round and round the garden (draw circle on the baby's tummy) Like a little deer. One step, two steps... (walk your fingers up his/her chest) Tickle you under there! (tickle under the chin)
Round and round the garden (draw circle on the baby's tummy) In the wind and rain. One step, two steps... (walk your fingers up his/her chest)
Tickle you under there! (tickle under the chin)
Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Write about your baby's reactions.
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