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Decorate a cup with colored fishing line

Offer your kid to make a cool craft - just decorate an ordinary cardboard cup with colored fishing line!

You can use the pretty craft for keeping small things or as a stand for pencils.


  • cardboard cup;
  • colored fishing line;
  • breads;
  • awl;
  • scissors.

In the bottom of the cup make a nole, using an awl. 

Insert a fishing line to the hole, tie a knot to fix the end of the line.

Wrip the cup from the bottom to the top with the line. Tie a new piece of line to the end of the previous one when it is needed.

To make the craft more original, thread beads to the fishing line.

On top of the cup also make a hole with an awl and insert there the end of the line, tie a knot to fasten the decorations.

Cut off the excess ends of the fishing line with scissors.

Your cute stand for small things is ready!

You can also give it as a gift for friends and relatives!

Make photos of your kid decorating a cardboard cup with colored fishing line, upload to the App. Write whether he/she liked the idea.

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