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Christmas card

Christmas is coming!

Make with your kid a Christmas card for relatives or friends.

You'll need:

  • blue thick paper;
  • white paper;
  • brown gouache;
  • a brush;
  • a jar of water;
  • a small cup;
  • black and red felt pens;
  • a black pen.

Mix some brown gouach with water in the small cup. Offer your kid to dip his/her fingers to the paint and train to make equal oval fingerprints on a piece of paper.

Fold the sheet of blue paper in half - it will be your card.

Make several brown fingerprints on the card, painting muzzles of Christmas deers.

When the paint dries, draw with felt pens the deers' ears, eyes and noses.

Draw the deers' horns and write down Christmas wishes with black pen.

Your craft is ready!

Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Write about your kid's impressions and whom he/she is going to give the card.

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