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Make with your kid the playing area "The City"

To craft the playing area, you'll need the following:

  • a large cardboard box;
  • cardboard;
  • a disposable paper plate;
  • scissors;
  • colorful adhesive tapes;
  • markers;
  • different toys (cubes, toy cars, figurines of animals and people, etc.);
  • natural materials: stones, shells, branches, etc.
  • glass pebbles;
  • gouache, a brush, a jar of water.

Offer your kid to draw various roads in the box - roads, railways, paths for people.

Using a blue adhesive tape, you can make the river. With a yellow tape you can make a sandy beach:

Make lawns with a green tape:

Useing an orange tape, make pavements:

Now you can build houses of cubes and constructor details, make railways, place river ships in the ports, inhabit the city with little dolls and animals!

Use various appropriate things for building the city - stones, branches, dry leaves and grass, etc.

Cut out several triangles of a sheet of cardboard to make mountains:

Color the mountain peaks with gouache, glue the mountains to the box side, making the background for your city:

Make the sun of a disposable plate:

Your toy city is ready!

Now help your kid to arrange various role play games in the playing area. You can also invite friends to play together!

Make photos of your city, upload to the App. Write whether yor kid liked the idea, add some words about the role plays you arrange with the playing area.

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