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The list of interesting affairs

Make with your kid the list of interesting affairs - he/she will surely like it!

You'll need:

  • a large sheet of white paper (A3);
  • old magazines;
  • stickers;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • felt pens;
  • colored pens, etc.

Invent with your kid 100 interesting affairs and write them down on the sheet of paper. Be creative and use your fantasy!

You may like to:

  • sculpt of plasticine and clay;
  • lay on green grass and view the clouds;
  • play checkers;
  • play chess;
  • read books;
  • view photos;
  •  make confetti;
  • color coloring pages, etc.

Decorate your list with pictures of old magazines and stickers.

Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Add the most interesting affairs you've invented.

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