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Sew with your kid bags for Christmas gifts

3 to 7 years

Sew the bright bags to pack Christmas gifts for your relatives and friends!

You'll need:

  • pieces of bright fabrics (fleece, velvet, etc.);
  • thread, needles, scissors, glue;
  • buttons, laces, pieces of felt, ribbons, etc.;
  • some gel with sparkles.

Sew the bags of the shape and size you need. Decorate them with the ribbons, laces, beads and buttons.

Attach the appropriate ribbons to the bags so that you could tie them with the gifts.

Offer your kid to decorate the bags, useing the gel with sparkles.

Pack the gifts with your kid, let him/her to tie the ribbons.

Don't forget to sew the Christmas bag for your little one!

Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Add some words about your kid's help, write whether he/she liked the task.

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