In that instant, all the work (sleepless nights, endless diaper changes) over the past several weeks seems well rewarded because your little angel finally flashes you that pink, gummy grin. And then for the next several days, we parents try our best to re-create that smile, for family, friends, the garbage man—basically anyone who will pay attention.
Babies give fleeting smiles as early as birth and even smile in their sleep. But, according to experts, this is a reflex action or survival instinct similar to other newborn reflexes like rooting and sucking. These first reflex smiles are innate and are believed to make newborns more appealing to keep them safer. Expect these reflex smiles to start sometime around birth to 3 days and to last until approximately 2 months.
So, it's high time to catch the smile and save it! Remember not to use flash while making photos of your baby as it is harmful for baby vision.
Upload the photo of the first smile to the App and add an appropriate poem - find or write yourself.
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