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Play with a sieve

from 2 years 6 months to 5 years

Arrange for your kid a funny game with a sieve!

You'll need:

  •  a sieve;
  • semolina;
  • rice (or corn, beans, etc.)
  • a tray, a cup, a spoon.

Explore the cereals: semolina  is small, rice is large. Offer your kid to touch the cereals.

Then mix the cereals in a big cup. Ask your kid to separate semolina from rice with a sieve!

For kids, this process is similar to the magic! Explain the results of the experiment to your little one. Put into the sieve only semolina and then only rice.

This game expands your kid's knowledge about the world, improves his or her vocabulary, develops fine motor skills.  You can also play the game outside, sifting the sand, separating it from the pebbles.

Make photo of your kid playing with a sieve and upload to the App. Did the task help to entertain your kid for a long?

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