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Playing with bags

Offer your little one to play with bags - it will surely entertain the baby for a while!

The activity is perfect for fine motor skills, movements coordination, learning the concept of "small - big", "depth", shapes and sizes.

You'll need:

  • small backpack;
  • bag with pockets;
  • handbag, etc .;
  • toys.

Put the toys to the pockets of the bags. 

Offer the little one to find them. Open the bags fasteners and zippers together, look for the toys, commenting your actions.

Let the little one explore the bags independently.

Before giving bags to your baby, make sure that there are no coins and other small things inside them. Don't leave the baby alone while playing.
The bags you give to your baby must be clean.

Make photos of your baby playing with the bags, upload to the App. Write about his/her impressions.

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