Offer your kid to make a cute birdhouse - he/she will surely like the idea!
Find any appropriate materials at your home or in the yard - a cardboard or plastic milk carton, ollhouse shingles, bamboo plate, cut-down craft sticks, thin branches of trees, etc. Building birdhouses along with your kid can help your son or daughter build a much better understanding of mother nature. Cut the bird feeder's opening in the center of one side of the carton. Let your kid paint the outside of the carton. Break sticks to about 3" long, and glue along both top sides of the carton to create a roof. Fill your colorful house with birdseed and place it outside for the birds to enjoy. Invent your own ways of making birdhouses - use your fantasy and be creative!
Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Write whether your kid liked making a birdhouse.
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