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Drumming Baby

Drumming is the best game for toddlers forever!

Give your little one appropriate things that can make various sounds - bowls, pans, spoons - and show how to drum!

The activity is extremely useful for the sense of rhythm. For some, rhythm comes fairly naturally, but it’s not always the case. 

Did you know that if you have a heart beat you can actually feel the rhythm of your heart? There is a pattern of pulses and they make up the rhythm of your heart. In a similar way, a good drummer develops an inner clock that helps lay the rhythmic foundation for the rest of the band. Generally speaking, a good indication is clapping. If you are a good clapper (you clap on “2 and 4” instead of “1 and 3”) then chances are you have some good foundation of rhythm. 

Make photos of your baby's happy face during the process, upload to the App. Write briefly about the experience and the little one's impressions.

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