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Playing with a plastic bottle

To arrange a developing game you'll need:

  • a bigĀ plastic bottle;
  • a box;
  • a ribbon;
  • a lace;
  • small things: constructor details, colorful pompoms, feathers, pasta, etc.

Mix all the little thingsĀ in the box. Offer your little one to put them the the bottle.

Your baby will have to guess how to take the object, how to turn it to push it through the bottleneck. Thus the activity is a good training for your baby's fingers, fine motor skills, hand and eye coordination.

When the little one manage to put all the things to the bottle, pour them back to the box.

NB! Games and activities with small objects must be arranged only under strict adults supervision!

Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Write about his/her new skills and whether the little one managed to put the things to the bottle.

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