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Playing with plastic bottle caps

Your toddler will surely like the funny activity!

To arrange it you'll need:

  • a plastic bowl;
  • water;
  • plastic bottle caps of various colors.

Teach your toddler to blow at your face. When he/she manage to do that, the kid is ready to play with the small ships of plastic bottle caps!

Pour water to the bowl, put there several bottle caps. Pay your toddler's attention that they can float, just as real ships.

Offer the little one to blow to water, making waves.

Then ask him/her to blow to the caps. They will float to the direction your kid is blowing.

Arrange a funny competition - whose ship will reach the opposite shore faster than the others!

Make photo of your toddler playing with the bottle caps, upload to the App. Write what games you arranged and whether you both liked the process.

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