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Learn to parent

Most of us become parents without any training, “how-to” manuals, or other specialty education.

That’s one thing that makes parenting so hard: There is no simple formula. We’re not automatically given great parenting skills just because we have a baby. We don’t always know what to do. And, as those of us with more than one know, each child is also unique and arrives into the world with his or her own strengths and weaknesses that we have to then interpret and work with. 

So, we have to learn parenting! - Read appripriate books, watch TV shows, visit special classes, discuss situations with your friends who also have kids, with your own parents, observe others, etc.

It’s never too late to seek positive parenting models and emulate them. Look to a neighbor, a friend, a sibling, an aunt or uncle, a grandparent, or even a stranger who’s parenting her children at the mall. Just find someone whose parenting skills you respect and admire. Then, watch. Listen. Ask questions. Try what they do, and see if it works for you. We can all learn from observing the great parenting skills of those around us.

Make photos of your cute family, upload to the App. Write how you learn to be Parents.

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