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The baby cot

You want your baby to be both safe and comfortable, so finding the right baby cot is essential.

The first bed will be somewhere your baby come to feel comfortable and safe; the perfect condition to get a long and restful snooze.

Standard cots come in single drop side and double drop side. Convertible cots convert from a standard cot to a toddler bed, and finally to a day or full-sized bed for when your child grows.

Look for standard safety features. Cot slat distance should be no more than 2 3/8-inches, and the drop side locking mechanism should be secure. The space between the mattress and the cot side should be two fingers' width at most. Check for rough corners, peeling paint, splinters or rough edges.

One common way cot beds are damaged is through children chewing cot bars when teething. To help through the discomfort of hard gums and emerging teeth, many children will turn to their bed for comfort and it’s not uncommon for a poor cot bed to see some nibbles at some point!

Try opting for a bed with special teething rails – perfect for little gnawing mouths, and it won’t damage the furniture. If you choose to forego this option, be aware that chipped varnish or paint from being chewed can be a hazard, so regular checks are important.

Make photos of your baby in the cot, upload to the App. Write briefly about the cot you've chosen.

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