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Dried fruits for breastfeeding Moms

It’s quite natural that every mother starts worrying about how to increase milk supply when they start breastfeeding their baby. There are some foods that promote lactation properties which are known as lactation foods, and dried fruits are among the foods.
Dried fruits are very popular for a multitude of reasons! Eating fruit is associated with improved health and provides many of the essential minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients and fiber that you need every day. Dried fruit doesn't spoil as quickly and is an easy snack to pack!
Almonds and cashews contains vitamin e and omega -3 that helps in boosting breast milk supply. They release hormones in such a way that it produces heavy milk production and also provides energy. Dried fruits and nuts were used as traditional foods such as panjiri, halwa and ladoos which are good for breastfeeding mothers.
But keep in mind, dried fruits are higher in calories because they are more concentrated once the water has been removed. Weight for weight, fresh fruit will have few calories than its dehydrated version. One hundred grams of fresh plums contain only 46 calories, whereas 100 grams of prunes (dried plums) have 240 calories. It is also important to note that some vitamins are lost during the drying process. For the same fresh plums, you are eating 16% of your daily needs for vitamin C, but when dried, you are getting only 1%.
Make photos of Mom eating dried fruits, upload to the App. Write whether you and your family like the healthy snacks.

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