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Wash the dishes holding your baby with one hand

Necessary skill that will be useful for you in the next few months!

Kids are fond of viewing everything that adults do - combing hair, brushing teeth, washing dishes, cleaning bed, sweeping the floors, etc. And they are also fond of being hold! Thus babies learn to live in this world. Therefore it is important for parents to learn to do the household chores, holding the baby in arms.

Start with washing cups, because they are usually not very dirty and are easy to wash. Just put the cup into the corner of the sink and rub with a sponge, holding your baby with the second hand in an upright position. Don't forget to support your little one's head with an arm.

When your baby become older, you'll manage to hold him or her on your hip - your kid will be glad to observe the process.

Make photo of you washing dishes with a baby and upload to the App. Write whether you managed to make the task promptly or needed some time to train.

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