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Products containing vitamin C

Vitamin C is in many plant foods. And you know what products where more vitamin C than lemon?
The products containing the maximum amount of vitamin C are:

  • dog-rose fruit;
  • sweet red peppers;
  • sea buckthorn;
  • currant;
  • cauliflower.

Vitamin C is the most fragile of all the vitamins. It can be easily destroyed in the cooking process since C is soluble in water and killed by heat. The familiar sight of over cooked, soggy Brussels sprouts would be a classic example of vitamin C destruction. Indeed, you'll have some in soup with boiled cauliflower or in sea buckthorn jam, but try to eat also fresh berries and citrus fruits. Bruised or wilting fruit and vegetables release enzymes which kill the vitamin. For example, freshly squeezed orange juice in babies' bottles quickly loses its vitamin C. The old-fashioned practice of adding bicarb soda (an alkali) to the boiling beans in order to preserve their "fresh green look" actually destroys vitamin C.
is interesting to note that it is only humans, large primates (monkeys and apes) and several biological oddities such as the Indian fruit-eating bat who receive vitamin C from food sources alone. Other animals can produce it in their bodies.
Make photos with your little one, upload to the App. Write what foods containing vitamin C you eat daily.

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