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Receip for breastfeeding: Beetroot Carrot Fritters

Beetroot contains the mineral silica. This helps the body to utilise calcium, which is important for a healthy skeleton. Plus, these beetroot fritters are served with yogurt, also a good source of calcium.


For fritters:

  • 2½ tbsp groundnut oil
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 150g potatoes
  • 200g carrots
  • 200g beetroots
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • salt and pepper

For the sauce:

  • 200g Greek yogurt
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp chopped dill fronds, plus more to serve


  1.  Heat ½ tablespoon of the groundnut oil in a large non-stick frying pan and gently saute the onion until it is soft but not coloured. Add the garlic and cook for another two minutes. Put into a bowl.
  2.  Coarsely grate all the other vegetables, keeping them separate. After you finish grating each variety, put them into a tea towel and squeeze out excess moisture. It's best to use a clean cloth for the beetroots as they will stain your tea towel.
  3.  Add the vegetables to the onion with the eggs, season well and mix together.
  4.  Make the sauce by mixing all the ingredients together. Heat another 1 tbsp of groundnut oil in the frying pan. Spoon enough mixture into the pan to make a batch of fritters each about 8.5cm in diameter.
  5.  Cook over a medium heat until a crust is formed on one side, then carefully turn each over and cook on the other side again until a crust is formed. Don’t over-brown them or they will burn on the outside before they are cooked. After the crust is formed, reduce the heat right down and cook for four to five minutes on each side, or until the vegetables are cooked through. You’ll know from the taste whether they are cooked right through. The potato becomes sweet.
  6.  You can keep the cooked fritters in a low oven while you finish the others, adding more oil to the pan to fry them if necessary.
  7.  Serve the fritters with the yogurt sauce, sprinkled with more dill.

These vibrantly coloured fritters will really catch your baby's eye - he'll love picking them up to nibble and won't even notice that they're packed with healthy vegetables, too!

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