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Arrange a newborn daily routine

It’s fair to point out that when your newborn arrives you feel like you have been hit with a tonne of bricks. You are sailing on a bubble of new parent bliss but then the sleepless nights start and the crying. Arrange an EASY daily routine - basically broken down to Eat, Activity, Sleep and You.

E – Eat

Eating or in our babies case a bottle of formula or breastfeeding. Once you know your baby is winded and settled from their feed we move on to the next step.

A – Activity

This doesn’t necessarily mean playing with toys etc. This activity could mean a nappy change, tummy time or a rocking chair. The aim really is for your baby to not necessarily fall asleep after each feed.

S – Sleep

The next step is sleep.Sleeping is very important both for a newborn and mom, so always find an hour to relax with your baby!

Y – You

You time. Whilst your baby sleeps thesis a chance for you to do what you need to do. You can just have a nice hot cup of tea and catch up on some TV. However you want to utilise the time then make sure it’s something that will make you feel better. In those first few months you are so far removed from the person you was before you were pregnant that having a bath or shower feels like a day at the spa. Take advantage!

Make photos of your newborn in these very first days and upload to the App. Write briefly how you arrange your daily routine.

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