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Rolling over from tummy to back

Motor development timing varies considerably among babies, but the order of the developmental tasks remains the same.

Head and neck muscles are the first to come under a baby's control. Muscle control moves downward, toward the feet. Babies typically roll from tummy to back first beginning at around 4-5 months of age and then back to tummy around 6 months of age.

5 months your baby will probably be able to lift his head, push up on his arms, and arch his back to lift his chest off the ground. He may even rock on his stomach, kick his legs, and swim with his arms.

All these exercises help the little one develop the muscles  to roll over in both directions –  by 6 months old.

You can encourage your baby's new skill through play. If you notice him/her rolling over spontaneously, see if he'll try again by wiggling a toy next to the side he customarily rolls to. Or lie down next to him on one side – just out of reach – and see if he'll roll to get closer to you. Cheer his/her efforts and smile!

While some babies learn to roll over as their primary mode of ground transportation, others skip it altogether and move on to sitting, lunging, and crawling. As long as your baby continues to gain new skills and shows interest in getting around and exploring his/her environment, don't worry.

Make photos of your rolling baby, upload to the App. Add some words about your little one's new skills.

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