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Spring walk with your little one

Take advantage of every nice day to take your baby out, even for a short!

If the weather is nice, there's no reason to wait for the first walk. Babies are not so sensitive and delicate, and if you properly prepare for going out and dress your baby properly, you can safely go to walk.

Baby strollers are a great solution because you can put in them, in addition to your darlings, of course, and everything else you might need: a bottle of water, milk, wipes, extra diapers, something for dressing...

It is not uncommon for parents to dress up their children too much, especially when it comes to the babies. Also it is not uncommon for parents to wear short sleeves shirts while walking beside children who are in the jacket! Therefore, when it comes to getting dressed, try to be realistic and if it's sunny and warm, do not dress the baby clothing that is designed for cold weather. It is best to wear your baby layered, according to changing weather conditions you could easily and quickly dress or undress him/her. Also they are more likely to catch a cold if they are too dressed up because they will sweat, and their mood is not at a high level then. A baby who is hot is restless, irritable and weepy.

Make cool spring photos with your baby, upload to the App. Write briefly about the experience.

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