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Play with your baby the game "Wading Through The Obstacles"

Moving around the home or crawling, your little one discovers that the body and all the surrounding things have a certain size. And the little one starts to investigate what things he/she can crawl over, what things - climb through, and what things he/she will manage to reach.
Wading the obstacles, your baby learns more about the size of his/her body and about the surrounding world.
Offer your little one to crawl through a narrow passage, under a table, a chair, to climb over a mountain of pillows or over a low bench, to crawl through a folded mat, to climb into a big cartoon box, etc.
Talk to your little one, comment his/her actions.
Make photos of your happy baby wading the obstacles and upload to the App. Write briefly about the experience, your baby's impressions and progress.

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