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Hug your baby!

How to hug a baby? Well, this is something that lots of people want to know and frightened at the beginning because babies seem to be quite fragile or weak creatures, and innocent they are.

What you do is first, you have to hold your baby, support your baby's head. The head is very heavy because of that brain and might float forward or backwards, so scoop one hand underneath the baby's head, use your other hand and scoop the baby under the bottom, moving up to hold the baby's back. Bring the baby close to you and as you get confident, you will be able to move that second hand so that it goes around the baby and move your first hand so that your thumb supports the baby's head and then you can squeeze the baby in tight, and you will be hugging your baby. Babies like to be held, babies like to be picked up, they like to be looked at. You are not the only one who can hug your baby, mummy can hug the baby, dad can hug the baby, maybe any siblings, certainly grandparents will know how to hug a baby but the secret is simply to hold the baby securely so the baby doesn't fall. Make tender photos with your little one and upload to the App. Write whether you both liked the process.

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