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Arrange smelling, tasting and mark-making with jello finger-paints!

3 to 6 months

Here is an edible finger paint recipe that’s safe for babies using scented jello powders!

For a truly wonderful sensory experience that smells, tastes and feels fabulous, it’s a great first painting experience for little ones.

Tip one sachet of each flavour fruit jello powder into a little dish.

Use jello powder sachets free from all additives and coloured and flavoured naturally with only fruits.

Stir in some hot (not boiling) water and mix with a spoon until it becomes thin enough to be like finger-paint consistency. As this is jello powder it becomes thick quite quickly, so you will experiment with how much water to add in order for it not to set. Fill little dishes about half full of water (around just under half a cup.) Start with one and then when you’re happy with the consistency, move onto the others. This can be part of the scientific investigation together!

Stir all of the paints again to keep them from setting, then set them out with a range of brushes and some large pieces of paper (which can be taped down to the table to keep them in place.)

Then explore with fingers and taste buds!

Obviously babies shouldn’t be encouraged to eat large quantities of this paint, but a few tastes are not harmful at all.

The lovely, thick and gelatinous nature of the paints means that they are a fantastic consistency for finger-painting and smear onto the paper really well. They are lovely for pure sensory play too, exploring and testing to see what it can do. The smell of the fruits will be wonderful and fill the room!

Make photo of your baby playing with the coloured jello and upload to the App. Write briefly about your and your kid's impressions!

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