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Stimulate physical development

At this age, babies are learning to roll over, reach out to get what they want and sit up.

You can help your little one by providing a safe place to practice moving and lots of interesting objects to reach for or move toward. Have a designated safe play space where favorite toys can be kept within your baby's reach. Continue to let your baby spend time on his or her tummy. In this position, encourage your baby to lift his or her head and chest off the floor. Make some noises, shake a rattle to entice your child to look, then lift up. Place a favorite toy in front of your baby to encourage forward movement.

Babies use their hands more and more and will learn to reach and grab for what they want. They're also learning how to pass an object from one hand to the other, how to turn them round and round for inspection, and how to pick up objects by raking things with the fingers into their grasp.

Give your baby lots of toys with sounds and textures to pick up, shake and explore. Be careful with small objects because babies will place just about anything they can into their mouths for further exploration, so watch for potential choking hazards.

Make photos of your active baby, upload to the App. Write briefly about his/her physical development.

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