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Trying to catch a toy

Your little one is growing up and exploring the world.
the age of 5-6 months your baby's physical development is coming on fast and furiously. Thus, your baby will probably manage to reach an object, laying on the tummy and pulling his/her body to its direction.
Offer your little one to train. Just put his/her favourite toy next to your baby. Lay the little one on tummy and ask him/her to catch the toy.
Cheer the baby with words and your smile!
You can put the toy not next to the baby, so that the little one had to turn to the toy and then tried to take it.
Help the little one if needed, placing your palm to the baby's feet. He/she will push off from your hand and pull the body to the toy.
Make photos of your baby trying to catch the toy, upload to the App. Write about his/her new skills.

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