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Share the responsibilities!

When you have a baby, you and your partner will need to work together as you both get used to being parents.

You're both learning how to care for your baby, and your relationship will change now you have a tiny and needy person to look after.

Sharing the care of your baby, as well as other responsibilities such as household chores, will enable you to support each other and be the best parents you can be to your little one.

Sharing responsibilities also enables you to get some time for yourself, which will make you feel more rested and happier. It can take time, patience and quite a bit of effort to get the balance right when it comes to shared parenting, but if you stand your ground and communicate your needs to each other, you'll be happier as a couple and as parents.

Make cute photos of your Little Angel, upload to the App. Write briefly how you share responsibilities with the family members.

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