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New parents feelings

In the days and weeks after giving birth mothers may feel emotional highs and lows. The highs are great, and the lows can be made easier if you know what to expect. This is a time when things can feel very strange.

New mothers will certainly be tired! New babies have no respect for a mother's sleeping needs, so the best advice is to rest when you can.

A new mother now has responsibility for a tiny human life which is totally and utterly dependent on her. This can be quite a challenge with any baby. It can also be quite frightening. And, of course, a new mother's life and relationships at home are completely changed, sometimes particularly the relationship with the baby's father. It’s the time when they become a family, and of celebration for their new arrival. However, as many new parents will admit, it can also bring with it exhaustion, anxiety, and feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Don't allow the feelings to spoil the very first months of the baby's life! Look for new friends having a newborn baby, share your common problems and questions and try try to find the answers together. Get new parental skills, try to find positive aspects of each situation, fix the adorable momets of your baby early life moments. You'll surely need new rituals that will help you to relax - sleeping with the baby, having a bath in the evening, drinking warm tea with cookies and nuts, etc.

Using social media such as apps for your mobile phone, tablet or computer, or websites, you can make meeting other new mums quick and easy.

Make cute photos with your little one, upload to the App. Write about your feelings as a new parent.

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